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Monday, July 18, 2011

RIAA Loves iCloud

The online music service craze has recently hit its peak with a major deal signed between the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), and the remaining four major record labels.  iCloud, which is Apple, Inc's newest online music storage service on the market, will launch its service this fall.  The music industry has been trying to figure out for a long time how to remain relevant in the digital age, and very well may have found their answer with iCloud.  The RIAA is a trade organization that supports and promote intellectual property of major record companies.

The RIAA believes that this deal will allow music fans to enjoy buying music legally, and will also make sure that the RIAA keeps the reigns tight on artistic creation.  The "big four"  labels will get 70% of iCloud revenues, which may help the industry get out of the sales slump that they've been drowned in.  This move influences my industry, because of how music content will be distributed online to battle the illegal download problem that's plagued entertainment for years.  The basic point of this deal was to make sure that intellectual property is being respected, which had taken a serious hit through file-sharing services like Limewire and Bearshare.

This very well may be the new method of how online music will be distributed, and will allow music to be shared on multiple devices for each consumer.  This will be an interesting thing to see how the industry itself will survive with this new "big brother" deal.  I'm not sure how I feel about the RIAA's plans with this, but I do know that at the end of the day it's a business.  I understand the industry's trying to make money back from previous losses, but I'm skeptical about how much the RIAA really cares about the fan or the artists involved.  As long as control is the name of the game, it's pretty obvious that money is the only truly important factor in this new deal.  iCloud really sounds like a cool service from what it can do, but illegal music sharing will always exist.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing that the RIAA can do to silence file sharing totally, because if they could then it would have happened many years ago.  The fans will always share music with each other and the industry has always known this fact.  Disc Jockeys at one time were the darlings of the music industry, because it was through us that music was really being heard anyway. With the digital age in full bloom, nearly anybody can be a dj these days.  The technology has been a blessing and a curse for my portion of the industry, but talent will always prevail over button pushing every time. The real djs will always stand out from the folks who just push buttons on laptops.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love What You Do

I watched a video on Apple computer's CEO Steve Jobs on the meaning of life.  I found the speech very inspiring, because instead of a typical speech to some college graduates of Stanford University, he told 3 stories about his life.  The first story spoke about how Apple came into existence, which was totally an accident.  He was in college taking required classes that weren't of any interest to him, so he ended up dropping out of school from frustration.  Once he dropped out, he went back to the same school to take a Calligraphy class and became inspired behind the beautiful look of the words.

This one class inspired him to design the first personal computer simply because of his love of fonts.  That's something I really didn't know about Steve Jobs, and it is amazing that this one class basically revolutionized the computer itself.  The main part of the speech that was the most inspiring to me, was about how he was fired from Apple, Inc.  This was the company he started, but once it became really big, a new person came in as Apple's main CEO.  The new guy and Steve didn't see eye to eye on where the company was going, so Steve unfortunately was let go.

Most people would have given up after creating a successful company like Apple, but Steve went on and created Pixar, which has now become the most successful live animation company in the world.  Pixar's success behind the Toy Story franchise had brought Steve back to his old company, and he has been the face of Apple ever since.  Apple began with two people and is now worth over $2 billion dollars, which to me is simply amazing to say the least.  He kept mentioning in the speech about loving what you do, and he had never lost sight of that goal.

He sincerely believed that if he hadn't been fired from Apple, Pixar and other companies would have never seen the light of day.  He truly won, because he could have just stayed with Pixar, but to have your new company and the old one linked together is the ultimate success story.  Even with all of this success with both companies, he also had a serious medical scare with cancer, but that scare never derailed his love from what he has done with his life.  This man is a true inspiration, because he did not become so depressed to give up altogether, but instead just used those setbacks as fuel to keep pushing forward.

I feel that I could learn alot of somebody like Steve Jobs, and just continue to push myself until I succeed like he did.  It didn't matter how long it was going to take for Apple to blow up, but he stuck with it throughout his personal issues regardless.  His belief is simple;  Live each day as if it is your last, because one day it surely will be your last.  You should love what you do no matter who doesn't love it the same.  I love knowing that there are other people in the world who want to entertain, and really can't see themselves doing anything else but that.  Steve Jobs knew from the beginning that this was what he was put on Earth to do, and he continued to do it even through his illness with cancer.

After watching this video, it really made me realize that nothing matters more than to have a love for what you do, and to achieve it at all costs is paramount to it coming true.  He advised the students to keep pushing for their dreams no matter what, and that one day those dreams will come true.  I just hope for my own success story, it will be just as inspirational as the Apple story was for me.  I truly believe that nobody should ever do anything that they don't have a passion for.  It just doesn't make sense, and it's really a robbery of the heart and soul to do anything else.

I'm all for inspiration and I need as much as possible right now.  My life is in serious transition, and I also have a major life decision to make in regards to moving to Las Vegas.  Most people just go there for the adult entertainment part of the city, but for me it's so much bigger than that.  There seems to be alot of opportunities in Las Vegas for djs in all different types of genres, and there's already been an event promotions company that's willing to work with me.  I could not only do what I love, but to also get paid for doing what I love.  There's nothing better than that to me, and I will do whatever I have to do in order to make my dreams come true.