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Friday, December 9, 2011

Some Current Music Publishing Issues

          I had read an article online on, about some recent changes in the music industry regarding music publishing, and the direction that the music industry is heading in.  According to Tune Core founder Jeff Price, he states, “ in the new music economy, a songwriter will have the most power” (Inman, 2011).  This is due to the drastic change that major record companies and its artists are facing and how both will survive in the new digital age.
            He also believes that songwriter revenue will increase and that the revenue of major record labels will drop from this change.  The article also mentions that major record labels will begin to look more like artist management companies, and will offer more 360 deals to milk as much money from their artists as possible (Inman, 2011).  The major labels sound like they are seriously in decline, and that the power of the business will fall into the hands of the artists themselves.
            According to the website, if record companies continue to decline, then more artists and their managers will seek distribution and marketing deals directly, which will really put the majors in dire straits.  An interesting point made in the article, spoke about how artists can collect their own royalties without having to be affiliated with a Performance Rights Organization. 
            That is where Tune Core and few others come inn, because this service allows artists a way to cut out the middleman when collecting royalties.  Tune Core gives artists a chance to make more money from song sales and Internet streams, and works for self-published and non-published writers as well.  Of course, the industry is not pleased with the waves that are rippling throughout the music business, but I am happy to see the power is going back to the rightful hands of the independent musician. 


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